(Why do we do this)

To inspire men to live a life of PURPOSE, POWER and FULFILLMENT.

Let’s find the road to purpose, power, and fulfillment. By offering mentorship and support, we guide men to uncover their potential and live by biblical principles. We believe every man has a unique role in God’s kingdom and aim to provide the tools and wisdom needed to fulfill that role. Our podcast focuses on building strong character, resilience, and leadership. Ultimately, we aim to create a community where men can thrive spiritually, personally, and relationally.


(When it is all said and done)

To leave a legacy that inspires generations.

At Road to Kingdom, our vision is to create a lasting legacy that inspires future generations. We are committed to empowering men to lead lives that make a positive impact. Our vision is not just about individual success but about fostering a culture of positive change that transcends time, leaving a meaningful and enduring mark on the world. Together, we strive to build a legacy of excellence, compassion, and resilience that will inspire and guide generations to come.


(What we believe)

  1. We Represent the Kingdom:

We are about upholding the principles and values of the Kingdom of God in all aspects of our lives, striving to be ambassadors of faith, love, and righteousness.

2. We have a Growth Mindset:

We are about continuous improvement and learning, always seeking opportunities to grow spiritually, professionally, and personally.

3. We Live with Integrity:

We are about committing to honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior, ensuring that our actions align with our words and beliefs.

4. We Embody Resilience:

We are about facing challenges with courage and perseverance, viewing obstacles as opportunities to strengthen our character and faith.

5. We Live in Unity:

We are about fostering a sense of community and togetherness, valuing collaboration, respect, and support for one another.

6. We Exemplify Generosity:

We are about practicing generosity in our time, resources, and talents, giving selflessly to support and uplift those around us.

7. We Honor Each Other:

We are about treating everyone with dignity and respect, recognizing the unique value and contributions of each individual.

8. We Embrace Limitations:

We are about acknowledging our internal and external limitations with humility, understanding that growth often comes through recognizing and learning from our weaknesses and working creatively with what we have.

9. We Are Proactive:

We are about taking initiative in our lives and communities, proactively seeking to make positive changes and improvements.

10. We Mentor Others:

We are about guiding and supporting others, sharing our knowledge and experiences to help them achieve their potential and navigate their journeys.

The Pathway

(How we do this)


IDENTIFY CALLINGS: We believe in the power of personal growth and development. Our faith-based approach encourages men to explore their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being, fostering holistic transformation. By promoting self-awareness, resilience, and continuous learning, we help men navigate life's challenges and emerge stronger and more confident.


SKILL DEVELOPMENT: We provide men with the tools, resources, and support needed to take charge of their lives. Through mentorship, skill-building workshops, and access to valuable networks, we ensure every man has the opportunity to unlock his full potential and achieve his personal and professional goals.


ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT: Our commitment extends beyond individual growth. We inspire men to make a positive impact on their families, communities, and the world. Through community service projects, leadership training, and advocacy initiatives, we cultivate a sense of responsibility and purpose, empowering men to be agents of change and contribute to a better future for all.

7 Roads to Impact

At Road to Kingdom, we're all about making a real difference in the world, inspired by the teachings of Jesus. We believe there are 7 key areas – the "Seven Roads to Impact" – where we need to shine our light.

In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells us, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

We have a responsibility to be visible change-makers, spreading God's truth and love across every part of society. These Seven Roads to Impact are where our influence can spark meaningful transformation.

1. Kingdom Faith:

Promoting faith, love, and righteousness within religious communities. Encouraging men to live out biblical principles and become ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, fostering spiritual growth and moral integrity.

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you."

2. Kingdom Family:

Strengthening families by upholding biblical family values. Encouraging men to be leaders in their homes, nurturing strong marriages, and raising children with a foundation of faith and love, creating a legacy of strong, resilient families.

Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

3. Kingdom Education:

Shaping the minds and hearts of future generations through education. Encouraging men to support and participate in educational initiatives that promote biblical truth, critical thinking, and personal growth, ensuring that the next generation is equipped with the wisdom and knowledge of the Kingdom.

Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he grows older he will not abandon it."

4. Kingdom Governance:

Engaging in government and politics with integrity and righteousness. Encouraging men to lead and influence policy-making processes, ensuring that laws and regulations reflect justice, compassion, and biblical principles, promoting a society that honors God.

Romans 13:1

"Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God."

5. Kingdom Media:

Transforming media to reflect truth and integrity. Encouraging men to engage with and create media content that promotes positive values, truthfulness, and uplifting messages, shaping public perception and opinion in alignment with the Kingdom.

Philippians 4:8

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

6. Kingdom Arts and Entertainment:

Infusing the arts and entertainment industry with beauty, truth, and creativity. Encouraging men to produce and support content that reflects the values of the Kingdom, inspiring and transforming culture through music, film, literature, and other forms of artistic expression.

Exodus 35:31-32

"And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship; to create artistic designs for work in gold, in silver, and in bronze."

7. Kingdom Business:

Leading in the marketplace with ethical practices and stewardship. Encouraging men to conduct business in a way that honors God, promotes economic justice, and uses resources for the common good, creating an economy that reflects the generosity and justice of the Kingdom.

Proverbs 11:26

"He who withholds grain, the people will curse him, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it."

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My Service

  • Want to take massive action this year? Get 1-on-1 or group coaching to help you overcome challenges, or simply accomplish your goals.

  • Need Spiritual guidance? Apply for my mentoring program, where I help you navigate your spiritual journey. This is a group mentoring session on zoom.

  • Need a speaker for your event? I want to partner with you to reach the men in your community, to inspire them to action for your Kingdom initiatives.